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The Robot vs. The Aztec Mummy (1958) See the relentless machine battle the gruesome corpse

A mad doctor (Luis Aceves Castañeda) builds a robot (Adolfo Rojas) in order to steal a valuable Azte ...View More

The Aztec Mummy Against the Humanoid Robot 1958 (Horror, Sci-Fi) Directed by Rafael Portillo

Epic Clash Between Mummy and Man-Made Monster - in a fight to the Death! The evil Dr. Krupp, also kn ...View More

The Manster (1959 Sci-Fi) Half-Man, Half-Monster!

The Manster (双頭の殺人鬼 / The Two Headed Monster) is a 1959 American science-fiction horror film. Shot i ...View More

Alyssa Milano | Double Dragon (1994) Two halves of an ancient puzzle are the only hope.

Two brothers have half of a powerful ancient Chinese talisman. An evil gang leader has the other hal ...View More

The Shape of Things to Come (1936 Sci-Fi) Directed by William Cameron Menzies

In 1940, businessman John Cabal struggles to enjoy Christmas as the threat of war looms over Everyto ...View More

FLITE | Hyper Realistic CG Sci-Fi Short Using Unreal Engine

Super impressive sci-fi made with Unreal about a world champion hoverboarder attempting a daring esc ...View More

Shoegazing | Sci-Fi Short Film

On the road in a world on fire, Gabrielle would rather isolate herself than having to confront the j ...View More

Sci-Fi Comedy about a Freeloading Robot | BRIAN AND CHARLES

After isolating himself from the rest of the world, Brian forges an unlikely friendship. A selectio ...View More

Yellow Belt Fury | Aliens, Karate and Badass Women

After Sofia's husband is brutally murdered during a terrestrial invasion, she asks her local sensei  ...View More

Sci-Fi Short Film "Blight" | DUST | Online Premiere

Amidst a global exodus from earth, two brothers must confront their differences about leaving their  ...View More

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